This used to be my favorite purse around Christmas time. I got it from The Container Store several years ago for about $10. Its made from polyester, but looks like wool felt. Anyway, I loved it. But now...well, its just not pratical for use anymore. It doesn't fit many diapers or sippy cups, and My Little Ponies make it look a bit misshapen. Oh how life changes! All for the better of course. Anyway, I got it out of storage and found a new use for it. It is my WIP knitting bag for Christmas presents.
Right now I am working on a little zippered bag for our friends daughter E. I found the pattern in the new Martha Stewart Holiday magazine - have you guys seen that yet? Its good! I can't say I usually like the stuff Martha has...wait - did I really say that! Okay, let me clarify. She has amazing ideas and the simplicity of her style is fabulous, but sometimes her projects are a bit many time consuming steps, and expensive supplies, that are sometimes all but impossible to find. However, she redeems herself with this magazine (or her staff does, I mean really who are we kidding, Martha is not personally coming up with any of these ideas anymore. But I digress.) So many cute and really pretty easy ideas. The knitted zipper bag is one...I'll be sure to post pictures once complete.
It also has some good recipes. I made the peppermint bark for some friends having a housewarming party. You can find the recipe on the website. White chocolate was a little pricey in our grocery store, but it was so easy to make it was worth it. It makes two big bags like the one pictured below. So I packaged it up in a little chinese food container (another Gopher find Amanda!!) and sent it on its way.
One more thing to cross off the list! My mom and dad are coming for the weekend, so I have more baking, cleaning, grocery shopping to do. Happy Friday!
Excellent use of the purse! What a great is such a cute purse it would be a shame to let it just sit in the closet.
I hope that you are taking a lot of photos of the finished gifts that you are making for Christmas. I am curious to see what your final results are! If you do, it sounds like you would have enough to do a blog post each day well into January, if not February! You have been one busy crafter. Love the containers from Gopher...of course. The housewarming gift looks great.
oh, and say hi to your mom and dad...hope you have a lovely time together!
Lovely to meet you! Thanks to Vallen, you now have another blog-stalker:) ha ha!
Hmm Gopher, why is it that I never think to go there? I need Christmas tins...
I think that is a great idea to reuse the purse! I too want to see pictures of the things you are making!
I have that very same piece of pink fabric, the one with black and white dots. AND I bought it the evening before I "met" you. What are the chances....?
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