Several weeks ago Katherine posted a photo of her WIPs. I zoomed in to snoop and saw a beautiful quilted zippered pouch, made from scraps no less. It inspired me to start one of my own. Mine isn't made from scraps, but it is all from my stash. I actually picked out the fabric based on the zippers I had available.
I love zippered pouches. They are a quick and easy project, they don't take much fabric, and who doesn't love a cute little bag? I had fun playing with some patchwork ideas on this one. It seems so simple and easy when it's this size!
The front and back are the same on this pouch. I always end up hand sewing the lining. It's the only way I can get it to look nice and be straight. Anybody else have better luck at that?
Cute pouch! I have that same polka dot fabric and just used it to make a handbag. They would make a great pair!
I've got a good technique for straight zipper pouches. I was thinking of posting a tutorial about my newly discovered skills I attained over Xmas. :)
I love zippered pouches - can't ever have enough of them!
Here's my advice: let other people sew them! HEE HEE!
This is so cute, Roxanne! Great fabric combo - especially loving those dots. I agree with you - you can never have too many zipper top pouches!
I don't always hand sew my lining in. It really depends upon the pattern. For the most recent pouch I sewed (the green linen with the hand embroidered front) I stitched the lining and face fabric to the zipper at the same time, which worked quite nicely.
Cute! Love the dotty fabric. I'm still afraid to try to put in a zipper. LOL I need to stop worrying that I'll hate what I make and just do it!!
it's very cute! I like your patchwork. I leave the complete bottom open of the lining fabric. then, when finishing it, tuck in the fabric a quarter of an inch, iron it, and then sew straight across the bottom. the liniing ends up being a tad shorter than the outside, so it works perfectly.
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