Tuesday, January 27, 2009


We've escaped for a little R&R around here. This is where I've been planted the past two days...
Knitting in my PJ's in front of a fire surrounded by my little family, it just doesn't get much better. I'm trying to savor every minute. I know it will go by way too fast.

I'll check in again soon to show off some finished projects. Despite the wifi, I am trying to really limit my computer time. Um, trying... Once again Ravelry sucks me in!

Friday, January 23, 2009

Pin Cushion Crazy

I whipped this little guy out the other night. My sister had given me the cutest pin cushion for Christmas which she made using this tutorial from Amanda Jean. She claimed it was quick and easy, and she was right! Mine is made from a small black olive can instead of tuna. Less stinky, just as cute!

Monday, January 19, 2009

Silhouette Projects

So I am finally getting the hang of my new Silhouette cutter. The software definitely has a learning curve, but once I get it all figured out the possibilities will be endless I think. I joined a Yahoo Group dedicated just to the Silhouette. They have so much practical advice and instructions on there, I think I would be lost without them. I've only gotten some smaller projects done so far, but they were really fun!
Here is a card I made, just to see if I could get the coffee cup to work. (It's a clip art image from Microsoft.)
Then I decided I wanted to start a family journal for this year. We certainly couldn't use any old plain notebook, right?I got the idea for a family journal from another blog but forgive me, I haven't a clue which one anymore. It sits on our dining room table ready for pictures, some words about our day, lists, funny stuff Sydney says, etc. Scrapbooks never seem to get done around here so I thought this could be a stress free way to document our year.
Hopefully more cut projects to come!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Craft Room Revamp

Thanks for all the love on the sewing bags! I was hoping to make myself one too, so I can try to put a tutorial together when I do that. It really was super simple, just time consuming to put all those parts and pieces together.

Between Christmas and New Year's I convinced my sister that she should help me clean out my craft room - Clean Sweep style! We basically emptied the room and put it back together in a way that actually makes sense now! All like things are together now and everything has a place where it belongs. It is WONDERFUL!! Thanks again Becky. I refused to take pictures of how bad it got...no one needs to see that! Just trust me, it was bad. I have a LOT of stuff. I maybe didn't even realize just how much until we did this. Even so, it all fits and is organized and ready for the new year. Go here and here to see the old layout. And here is the new!

This shot is to the left after you enter. The white shelving under the window was a Christmas gift from Lee. (Funny how he always knows just the right thing to buy! Hhmmm.) Basically we swapped the table and the white dresser. I can now work from both sides of my table which is wonderful.

A little further in...
To the right. (Sorry it's so blurry.)

We took the door off the closet. It makes such a huge difference! My husband built me some shelves to use the new found space. I love how this turned out...looks like my own little yarn shop! (Okay, maybe not so little!)

So that's the tour! It has been like this for 2 weeks now and is still clean! That is so huge for me - I am a very messy crafter!! But putting things away now seems much easier. Cross your fingers for me that I can keep it this way!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Still more gifts!

Okay, I think this is the last Christmas gift post! These are portable sewing bags I made for my sister and my friend Sara (and one for my mom, but I can't find the pictures of that.) I always have trouble keeping track of all my sewing essentials when I'm on the road, so I figured others might have the same problem. They include a removable pin cushion, felt needle pages, large pockets for scissors and rulers and such and a small pocket with velcro closure. Check them out!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Thank You

Well, you guys sure know how to make a girl feel good! Thank you so much for all the birthday wishes!! I had a great birthday weekend with my entire family. I was spoiled rotten with amazing gifts (like this one!) and am feeling inspired and ready to create.

My husband got me this amazing tool for my birthday.
The Quickutz Silhouette. Very fun stuff going on here. I'm still trying to figure everything out, but I can tell already I am going to love it.

Friday, January 9, 2009


This is me.

And today I am 30.
I think I'm okay with it.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Felted Bowls

These were a gift for my sister. I actually made myself some a while back and my sister dropped several "hints" that she would like a set as well. Being the complete individuals that we are (not really, we are almost the same exact person) I was able to make the bowls using the same yarn I used for mine and they match her house perfectly just like they match mine. Huh. (I'm quite sure she copies me!!)

These are based loosely on the pattern in One Skein by Leigh Radford. Good book, by the way, I think I need to request it from the library again. The bowls are basically little squaty hats. So, if you can figure out how to make a hat, but aren't real sure about circular or double pointed needles these are still within your grasp. Give them a try!!

Monday, January 5, 2009

Holiday Recap

Wow, time flies over the holidays, doesn't it? We spend so much time getting ready for something and then whoosh, it's over. But it was very good and well worth the work (contrary to what my husband tells me.) So, I've taken a nice little break and now I can finally show you all the things I had been working on! Spread out of course so it looks like a lot more than it was!

First up is the most well received gift. I made this scarf for my 18 year old nephew. He absolutely loved it, in fact I think everyone was a little sick of hearing about it by the end of our time there! The scarf was knit in a 3x1 ribbing. The skull chart was something I found on flickr. I ended up knitting a separate rectangle and sewing it to the back of the skull section so there is a pocket at the bottom of both ends. It covers up the mess that using multiple colors can create, and can add a little extra warmth for guys too cool to wear gloves. This is made from Lion Brand Thick and Quick and took 2 1/2 skeins of yarn! It weighs a ton, but it's very warm.