I'm still debating whether or not I am going to paint any of them. My love for raw wood goes way back, so it will kind of kill me a little to cover it up. But I do have 5 family sets (man, woman, boy, girl, tot) so I will probably end up painting a set and giving away a couple sets for gifts. I've been racking my brain trying to come up with a clever (easy) small doll house for them to live in. I have big plans to make Sydney a large doll house, but in the meantime I want to have something small for these little guys to live in. (I'm open to suggestions here!)
I was drooling over this site yesterday and came across this nativity set. Wouldn't it be perfect? I wouldn't have any animals, but I think I could still make it work. Hmmm....
Edit: The wood shop is called Casey's Wood Products. Here's their site.
Very Cute!!
Hmm, I'll bet you could come up with some animals for a nativity somehow. I am thinking something made of felt?
I just read this post...
this would be a good idea for something temporary at least.
I saw that post too, and will be placing an order shortly. Glad to here you love them too.
I saw that post over at SouleMamma too and thought what a wonderful idea. So much potential with those wooden pieces for lots of imaginative play.
As for a temporary house for some of your people... how about sewing a simple house (using plastic canvas slid between the layers of fabric as the "stiffener" to give the walls and roof support and shape)?
FYI, Roxanne, will you please come visit me at www.sewmesomethinggood.blogspot.com
as I've just started a solo blog this week.
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